Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where in the world are we?

Today we kicked off a new project in social studies. We are moving from studying the history of Newfoundland to studying Geography. The class spent time reviewing terms and concepts from last year's geography curriculum, and I gave out a DuoTang with some review sheets for them to work on. I will be assigning work in this folder as homework over the next couple of weeks.

As part of this unit, we are creating a map of the world using symbols, images, words and drawings. Students have been placed in groups of two, each assigned to a continent. The idea is that they will get things started now, and continue working on the project throughout the next few weeks.

The kids will be presenting their health mobiles tomorrow. Each student should be ready to present tomorrow, with a short piece written up to read from when they show it to the class. They will present as part of a tour that the kids will take around the class, watching each presentation and asking questions as appropriate.

We discussed last night's Question du Jour at length this morning, to clear up some of the confusion that existed about the idea of forgiveness and reconciliation. Many students had amazing answers to the question I posed, which was a hypothetical question about how they would react if they saw a friend stealing. We had a great discussion about this, and will expand on it later as we get more into philosophical issues about morality and ethics.

A few other housekeeping notes:
-Scholastic orders will be here soon; there were numerous backorders and incomplete sets, so they held them and shipped this week.
-If we (knock on wood) don't have school tomorrow, Spice Barn orders can be picked up between 3-6 on Monday.
-BCE Chapters Night has been postponed until Monday, just in case.
-The students are really enjoying the hockey pool, and it has turned into a great math tool. Students will have an opportunity to add/drop two players on the day report cards go home.

Have a great evening, and I will post more tomorrow (now that I'm through report cards).

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