Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wearing my PJs inside-out!

With rumours of a snow day (now looking much less likely) in the air, today was a "flurry of activity". Sorry for the pun. This morning we spent an hour and a half in the computer lab, typing up our business letters to Kirk Leach. Mr. Leach came in to our class before Christmas, and did a great presentation about business on behalf of Junior Achievers. I was happy to see many students using the skills from our typing classes!

We kept on reading Shiloh as well. This is a great book by Pyllis Reynolds Naylor, about a boy in West Virginia who takes care of an abused dog. It is very relatable to the age group (the protagonist is 11), and has elicited some great discussion and responses so far.

Apparently the new cafeteria schedules did not go home last week, so I will be sending home new copies tomorrow morning. Sorry for this mix-up.

Tonight's homework is to record what they eat and what physical activity they participate in. We will use this tomorrow to delve a bit more deeply into some concepts around health and nutrition. I would also suggest that students keep checking KidBlog frequently, and try out the links I post. It is also worth looking at other students' posts, particularly when they relate to ongoing projects.

Have a great evening, and please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

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